3 Key Areas to Avoid Slip & Fall Hazards in Your Establishment


At 8.5 times the absorbency of the leading brand, SafetyApplied Absorbent Spill Pads are an efficient and effective way to deal with common spills. While ideal for the clean-up of vomit or blood, the pads can also be used to clean up general liquid spills in front-of-house and back-of-house situations.

The pads, yellow in color in accordance with OSHA’s statement that yellow “shall be the basic color for designating caution and for marking physical hazards”, provide an immediate visual indicator against dangerous accident-prone areas. The large 20” x 24” pads allow the user to more quickly and completely absorb any liquids that may cause slip-and-fall accidents in both front-of-house and back-of-house situations.
